Takko Tuesday! - Kiss the Sky (plus one year anniversary giveaway!)

Happy Takko Tuesday!

Can you believe that I have been doing Takko Tuesday for an entire year now?!?!  This week is the One Year Anniversary of this series.  I have highlighted a different Takko Lacquer each Tuesday since June 23, 2015.  It all started with this post about Absinthe.  That's a lot of Takkitos!  For this special day, I wanted to share with the hands down, most coveted Takko Lacquer polish out there, "Kiss the Sky".  I have never featured this shade before because it is not in production anymore and had been sought after by many.  But I figured this momentous occasion was a great opportunity to share both of the bottle I have collected.  I have an original bottle sent to be by my honey muffin face, Indie500Nails, years ago.  Then a snagged a reformulated new bottle from a blog sale a year or so ago.  I needed them both for comparison, right?

Here is the original version of Kiss the Sky.  The base is a bright blue jelly and it is packed with shifty unicorn pee shimmer.  This color/shimmer combination was all the rage in 2012.  It was bright and bold and everyone wanted it.  The shimmer is mostly a glowing red on your nails that shifts to a bright green at an angle.  I have two coats with a glossy top coat on my nails here.

Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky - McPolish

Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky - McPolish

Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky - McPolish

After a year or so, the pigments for Kiss the Sky became scarce and Takko Lacquer needed to reformulate the polish.  The new version was a little darker and deep blue than the original.  But the shimmer was still amazing.  So glowy and shifty!  I have a hard time picking a favorite of these two.  The original version is nostalgic but the new version is sexy.  I have two coats with a glossy top coat on my nails here.

Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky - McPolish

Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky - McPolish

Takko Lacquer - Kiss the Sky - McPolish

Even though Kiss the Sky is gone, you still have a chance to recreate this same look!  Takko Lacquer released "Opal Dust" which can give you the same effect.  Check out my review here.  It is the same shimmer, just in a top coat.  Layering it over blue will give you an almost identical feel.  

To celebrate the anniversary of Takko Tuesday, Sheryl and I are giving away a bottle of Opal Dust and Irezumi from Takko Lacquer so you can recreate this classic takkito for yourself.  Just enter using the Rafflecopter form below!  Amazing right?!?  Winner will be announced in July.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is where you can stalk Takko Lacquer, restock coming soon!

Takko Lacquer shop and restock info
Takko Lacquer Instagram and Twitter
Takko Lacquer stockists: Color4NailsMei Mei Signatures, Femme Fatale

 - Amy 'McPolish' McG

*products purchased by me but prizes provided for the giveaway by the maker*



  1. My most coveted Takkito is Floridazed💙💙😍

  2. Mine is the original blue flamingo, it's one of the only takkos I don't have.

  3. I love them both so much but have neither version in my stash *sniff* :)

    Love Lotte

  4. This one is just beautiful!

  5. amazing thank you. the most coveted is kiss the sky I think :) <3

  6. My most coveted Takko is "Kiss the sky"

  7. My most coveted Takko is the only one I own currently - Grape Juice - is amazing! Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  8. My most coveted is also Kiss the Sky. Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. My most coveted Takkito is Kiss the Sky!!

  10. This is so kind of you! What a beautiful polish!!

  11. My most coveted polish from Takko is Druzy Quartz. Although, this one should be on the list as it is retired. I am unfamiliar with this brand.

  12. So much gorgeousness in these polishes! I have to try some soon!

  13. I love the OG Kiss the Sky, I def lemm for it.

  14. I love all of them, but if I had to pick one it would be La Sirena!

  15. I love schiaperelli.

  16. My most coveted Takko Shade would be Jabberwocky..... maybe someday I'll own it!!

  17. Marie Antoinette!

  18. There are so many to choose from but maybe Cactus Rose!

  19. My most coveted Takko is the only one I don't have.... the charity polish Yeti In the Sky With Diamonds. Hopefully someday I'll find it!

    1. Yep! That one is on my list and I will probably never find it

  20. My most coveted is Kiss the Sky!

  21. My most coveted Takko shade is Cactus Rose :)

  22. Lusting after Cactus Rose! So gorgeous!

  23. Dark Paradise is probably my most coveted.

  24. Maneater was the first Takko I ever laid eyes on & was my first Takko crush!

  25. Oh definitely Kiss the Sky! It's the shade that comes to mind whenever I hear about Takkos!

  26. My most coveted Takko is both Blue Flamingos

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. My most coveted is my Kiss the Sky. My second is Pandamonium which I snagged in a destash. In my quest to obtain it, I acquired many Takkos and I love them all. Along my way I saw so many of your Takko Tuesday posts which in fact contributed to my Takko addiction! Thanks!!

  29. I'm newish to buying Takkos so there are a lot I've missed out on buying. Top of the kist is Floridazed & Jabberwocky.

  30. I can't choose between Jabberwocky and Wanderlust, both so ethereal. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway and for your excellence in enabling.

  31. Opium is my most wanted Takko!

  32. any Takko is beautiful!! thanks for the chance!

  33. I love every takko I see, but really want the original kiss the sky most. I'm definitely going to try to recreate it with opal dust.
